If you like this website and find it helpful, you may consider starting your own. If you want to have a website, you will need a web host. A web host has your files on their computer and when people browse your website’s URL or the URL of a file on it, the host computer will send the webpage to the person trying to browse it. If you want to learn more about web hosting or if you want to find a web host, you can use Web Hosting Choice at:
Web Hosing Choice has free information published on their website about web hosting. They also have a searchable database of web hosts. You can search by monthly cost, startup cost, diskspace, and/or bandwidth. Luckily, Web Hosting Choice does not have advertisements on their website.
Web Hosing Choice seems useful, helpful, and informative.
I would love to see more advocacy websites for crime prevention, violence prevention, and victimization prevention. Of course, if you decide to make a website, you can make it about whatever you want. Just make sure you know what else you will need to make your website besides hosting. You will need a way to design the website and a way to administer it.