Self-Defense & Violence Prevention Blog

news and commentary about security, self-defense, and topics like violent crime prevention and bullying

Self-Defense: A Basic Human Right

“Few issues have been more hotly debated recently than gun ownership. On one side are those who wish that all guns begone, on the other, millions who would fight to keep them.”

The author of grew up in the USSR and knows a few things about self-defense and what happens when the government revokes gun rights. Although I disagree with his belief that guns provide more safety than pepper-spray and tasers, his website provides a lot of great information for anyone interested in both self-defense and/or gun-rights.

“I and other pro-self defense people abhor violence. We do not, however, expect to be left alone merely by appealing to the best nature of others. While most people live and let live, the exceptions to that practice have to be deterred from preying on lawful humans. That applies to equally the freelance criminals and government thugs. We only have the freedom of expression and other Constitutionally-enumerated rights as long as we stay vigilant.”

Guns: a liability or a useful tool?

By | August 30th, 2006 | LEAVE A COMMENT


I am the creator of this website, which I use to post about self-defense and violence prevention. I have two children who I love so much. I want them to be proud of me, and I hope what I do here contributes to that. Please let me know what you think about my posts by leaving a comment below. I throw my opinions around pretty openly here, but I am totally open to opposing viewpoints and a productive discussion. So please post a comment. And follow me on Twitter: @scottmhughes


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