Today, I will post the following video about the genocide that happened in Nazi Germany:
What do you think of the video? If it interested you, then also check out a post I wrote about genocide: Lo taamod al dam reakha
Basically, I explained that fear causes people to stop caring about the lives of “the enemy,” and that causes the people to support the wars and genocides committed by their government. What do you think?
Saturday, June 13th 2009 at 1:43 am
I think you’re right. But, in addition, I think that many governments, throughout history, have demonized a particular group- made them seem less than human.
For most people, it’s “difficult” to kill a person, or to allow one to be killed. However, if you successfully convince people that they deserve it, it’s very possible to garner support. (in reference, particularly, to WWII)