Self-Defense & Violence Prevention Blog

news and commentary about security, self-defense, and topics like violent crime prevention and bullying

Archive for ‘Politics & Commentary’ Category

Lawyers Claims Self-Defense In S.F. Cop-Killing

David Hill grew up in a dangerous area. One night, he ventured deep into enemy-gang turf to buy marijuana. Hill carried an AK-47 for protection. When a creeping vehicle approached him, he reacted defensively. He turned to see a plain-clothed man getting out of the car holding a gun, and so Hill fired. “To hesitate,… Read More

Just Another Mother Murdered

Luckily for those in Western countries such as the US or Britain, they don’t face the threat of violent soldiers as often. (Of course, countries like the US have to deal with skyrocketing crime rates. For example, the almost 250,000 rapes take place every year in the US.) It’s one thing to have to worry… Read More

9/11: A Lesson Learned?

by Scott Hughes Today marked the fifth anniversary of the tragic 9/11 attacks that killed 2,819 citizens. This is not a day for celebration, but is rather a mournful day. The horrible memories of that terrible day still plague the hearts and minds of people worldwide. As with all avoidable tragedies, we must fight through… Read More

Sharp Global Rise In Terrorism

The U.S. spends over $1 billion a day on “defense”, and currently wages a war in Iraq which cost over $300 billion so far. Yet, U.S. figures show a sharp global rise in terrorism. Additionally, the governments of the United States spend over $50 billion dollars annually to wage a “war on drugs”, despite the… Read More

Connecticut Still Wastes Its Resources

When over 25% of inmates in the United States are non-violent drug “offenders”, it irks me to see violent criminals walk the streets freely. Many people don’t understand that the war on drugs increases violence and victimization, such as with alcohol during the 1930s prohibition. However, even these people must admit that it irks them… Read More

Legal Definition of Self-Defense

The line between defense and offense is very thin. While laws allow for self-defense, those who wish to both successfully and legally defend themselves, and their loved ones, need to know the legal definition of self-defense. provides the following legal definition of self-defense: Legal self-defense is a defense to certain criminal charges involving force… Read More

Self-Defense: A Basic Human Right

“Few issues have been more hotly debated recently than gun ownership. On one side are those who wish that all guns begone, on the other, millions who would fight to keep them.” The author of grew up in the USSR and knows a few things about self-defense and what happens when the government revokes… Read More

The Sanity of Self-Defense

I just read a great a great article on self-defense by R. Lee Wrights, of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina In his article, The Sanity Of Self-Defense, he explains why people need to take their defense into their own hands, and not relinquish their liberty and responsibility to governments for the promise of… Read More

Revolving-Door Justice

I just found an intersting article on the national center for policy analysis about violent crime. The article says that violent crime continues to be a serious problem in the United States despite reports of a decline in the overall crime rate. The article refers to “revolving-door justice”, which means that violent criminals get… Read More

Crime and Today’s Society

by Christopher Strunk Crime affects people throughout society because it is everywhere. From simple purse thieves, to violent gang members, crime plagues many of the urban streets today. Research indicates that many criminals come from impoverished environments. Upon further inspection, the data indicate that many violent criminals are the products of broken homes, and transcended… Read More

Security – Are They For Real?

by Robert T. Melaccio Sr. We live in an age where security consultants get big bucks. Encryption, special software and all kinds of technological methods just to keep our personal data safe. However, have you ever heard about data being put out on the internet by mistake? Well if you haven’t your one of the… Read More

Reduce Crime By Repealing Drug Prohibition

by Scott Hughes Working in the field of crime prevention, self-defense, and victim-assistance brings out both my philanthropist side and my cynical side. On the philanthropic hand, I don’t want to see any person victimized. On the realistically cynical hand, humans will always victimize each other. On the philanthropically cynical side, I wish to see… Read More