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Sexual Censorship Does Not Prevent Sexual Violence

I am currently reading Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Dr. Joycelyn M. Elders. I like it so far.

Anyway, while reading a chapter about censorship today, I was interested by some information. Elders points out that research has found that viewing erotica or pornography does not correlate with antisocial behavior. She goes on to say that researchers have found more evidence of the opposite. She points out studies that have shown that sex criminals tend to have been exposed to pornography less than other kids, and not an earlier age. According to John Money, one of the world’s foremost authorities on sexual abnormalities, the majority of patients with deviant sexual fantasies and behaviors had a strict anti-sexual upbringing in which sex was either never mentioned or was actively repressed and defiled.

Though the facts go against the common perception, they do not surprise me. My intuition tells me that, when a person is made from childhood to repress or feel disgusted by his or her own natural sexuality, it will lead to perversions. Generally, I assume that self-contempt leads to psychological instability. Also, generally, I assume that over-repressing natural and healthy sexuality will often make the interests and desires ooze out in perverted, overwhelming and dangerous ways.

In a silly analogy, imagine if we convinced people from childhood that drinking water is immoral and disgusting and that they are immoral and disgusting for wanting to drink water. That would probably increase violence and social deviance related to drinking water. At the very least, it would drive kids crazy and create crazy adults.

When the goal is protecting children and preventing sexual violence, I think adults need to give uncensored, accurate, factual information to curious children so the children can make healthy decisions then and later in life. The kids need facts not puritanical opinions. I believe censorship and pushing sexual repression on children leaves them ignorant and leads to unhealthy decisions.

What do you think?

By | April 16th, 2008 | SHOW COMMENTS (5)


I am the creator of this website, which I use to post about self-defense and violence prevention. I have two children who I love so much. I want them to be proud of me, and I hope what I do here contributes to that. Please let me know what you think about my posts by leaving a comment below. I throw my opinions around pretty openly here, but I am totally open to opposing viewpoints and a productive discussion. So please post a comment. And follow me on Twitter: @scottmhughes

5 Responses

  1. Stephen says

    Well I live in Japan which is about the most open country as far as sex goes. They do censor the salami, but kids from a young age are seeing this. You can walk into a 7/11 and see people lined up reading porn.

    I think censoring porn actually causes more crime. In Japan everybody becomes used to it and thinks nothing of it. Then again sex is taken less seriously in Japan. It is part of the culture it seems sometimes.

    I give the Japanese credit. I mean if I were a high school student in Japan I would go crazy. I dont know how the guys stay so calm in school when more than half of the girls wear their skits so short you can see the panties.

    I have come to the conclusion that censorship is not a big deal in Japan and that makes more sense than in the US after being in Japan for so long.

    I don’t know, just me maybe.

  2. Air Jordans says

    Well you have a point there Scott and I agree with it.

  3. David Brown says

    I am also completely agree with post of scott; Elders should teach children about worst effect of abnormal sexual relations.

  4. search machine says

    I completely disagree with the underlying theme of the article. Namely complete access to sexually explicit material or pornography will lessen sexual deviance.

    That is absurd. Pornography portrays the ugliest side of humanity as it takes the most beautiful of human activity and turns it into a self gratificational pursuit. Women are just objects to use and abuse. Those who are exposed to this sickness will adopt a mindset that will lead to violence against women.

  5. Cindy says

    I completely agree with your last paragraph only and for different reasons.

    I really have a hard time, and it very well might be one of my many faults, believing studies. I believe that many studies conducted an opinion is formed before the study even takes place which in every shape and form taints the study. Whether it be the people chosen (or lab rats) to participate in the study, the geographical location, how the study is performed, ie: questions asked, not asked etc…. I mean come on watch the news, every night a new study surfaces saying this fruit, in excess prevents cancer or too much of this causes cancer. It’s reached the point that everything you put in your mouth at one point or another had a studies done on it and one study showed it prevents cancer and another shows it causes cancer.

    I did not grow up in a strict household but sex was not a topic either. My parents did not educate me on sex and neither did my school. My friends educated me on sex and being that most were just as inexperienced as myself it left a lot of curiosity. The extent of my sex talk was my Mom’s best friend taking me for a ride and asking me if I was having sex with my then serious boyfriend. Of course we had but my answer was no. I was believed and then handed a note with a phone number on it to the local health clinic where I could receive birth control. I was never told about STD’s. All the reason why I agree with your last statement, we need to educate kids on the ramifications of sex, pregnancy and worse STD’s especially Aids. Pregnancy and Aids are something that NEVER go away.

    The rest of what you had to say in part is probably true but there are so many other factors that probably accompany it, for example, being sexually abused themselves, being bullied in school, not having positive relationships to model their own relationsips after, mental disabilities,and environment.

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