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Self-defense classes have won eager acceptance from women

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  • Self-defense classes have won eager acceptance from women

According to Abigail Leichman of MCT News Service, self-defense classes have won eager acceptance from women.

A biker chick beat up Elizabeth Kennedy about 20 years ago. Nobody’s messed with her since.

“I said, ‘If a girl can do this to me, I will never let it happen again,’ and that’s when I started training,” Kennedy recalled.

Now she’s on the board of directors of the Long Island, N.Y.-based American Women’s Self-Defense Association. The group offers instructor certification in rape prevention and aims to get self-defense training included in middle school gym classes for girls.

“Fifteen or 20 years ago, we were still convincing women they had the right to defend themselves,” Kennedy said. “Nowadays, women come into training accepting that it’s just a matter of learning how.”

By | September 17th, 2006 | LEAVE A COMMENT


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