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University of Buffalo Teaches Self-Defense and Skills for Protection

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  • University of Buffalo Teaches Self-Defense and Skills for Protection

I am happy to report that University of Buffalo teaches a self-defense class for the young women on campus. The course lays out many risk-reduction strategies and techniques, many of which are common-sense, but often neglected, including locking doors, parking in well-light areas and avoiding walking alone at night.

The course lays out many risk-reduction strategies and techniques, many of which are common-sense, but often neglected, including locking doors, parking in well-light areas and avoiding walking alone at night.

David Chernege, the teacher of the class, uses his expertise as a law-enforcement officer martial arts practitioner to educate the young women in self-defense. He focuses on prevention and escape, noting that size does matter: A small women cannot beat a large attacker.

By | October 6th, 2006 | LEAVE A COMMENT


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