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New Study Shows Violent Crime Rising

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  • New Study Shows Violent Crime Rising reports on an increase in violent crime across the nation (United States):

Violent crime is on the rise across the nation. A new study says we’re facing an alarming trend as many cities deal with double-digit, even triple-digit increases in homicides and other crimes involving guns. The group that did the study is the Police Executive Research Forum, they took crime stats from 2004 to 2006 from 56 cities and found violent crime is definitely making a comeback, especially in Middle America.Half of the 56 cities surveyed had an increase in homicides from 2004 to 2006, 75% of them had an increase in robberies and nearly 70% had an increase in assaults involving guns.

The study says the Feds have spent so much time and money worrying about terrorism that they’re not doing as much to fight local crime.

Read entire article at

I think the government could most effectively reduce violent crime & victimization by ending their enforcement of victimless crimes and refocusing the resources on preventing victimization, such as rape, murder, theft, and assault.

What do you think we and/or the government can do to reduce violent crime and victimization.

By | March 20th, 2007 | SHOW COMMENT(1)


I am the creator of this website, which I use to post about self-defense and violence prevention. I have two children who I love so much. I want them to be proud of me, and I hope what I do here contributes to that. Please let me know what you think about my posts by leaving a comment below. I throw my opinions around pretty openly here, but I am totally open to opposing viewpoints and a productive discussion. So please post a comment. And follow me on Twitter: @scottmhughes

One Response

  1. roci says

    The study says the Feds have spent so much time and money worrying about terrorism that they’re not doing as much to fight local crime.

    It is not the federal government’s job to fight local crime.

    If you want to fight crime, you have to fight criminals. The police can’t be everywhere. The best they can do is show up after the crime has been committed and take statements (if the victim survives long enough). If you want to prevent crime, you have to enable citizens to protect themselves.

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