Self-Defense & Violence Prevention Blog

news and commentary about security, self-defense, and topics like violent crime prevention and bullying

The Zero Group

In the world of security, the hardest way to keep a low profile is over telecommunications. Phones and mobile phones alike can be tracked, numbers can be logged, and voices and speech patterns can be recognized even when tracks are covered. There are very few solutions to those who do require a sense of extra security, and The Zero Group is seeking to change the norm in phone security.

The Zero Group is a company based in New York that has the sole purpose of protecting privacy of its users. The features that are provided are astounding; outgoing calls can be changed to appear as a different number to those who receive it. Voice tones and pitch can be changed with the press of a button, to deter voice recognition. And more impressively, the rate at which the receiver hears the caller’s voice can be altered- so virtually no pattern can be found to associate the caller with an actual person.

The features are obviously astounding, especially considering that all that is needed is a phone card. The user dials the access code, dials the number, the number that the user would like to display to the receiver’s caller ID, and finally the user chooses the appropriate voice to use. This is a very simple process, considering the high tech process that is actually being used. Payment for such a service would likely seem expensive, but rates go as low as around $0.89/minute. Considering that there is no way for the caller to track the call, and that spoofing the caller ID is possible, this is a very competitive price.

The application of the Zero-Fone service goes beyond just security. A lot of fun can be had at the expense of others with the caller ID spoofing. This is also a very effective solution to get in touch with those who may have chosen to ignore you. This puts a whole new perspective into pranks, relationships, and anonymity. Even more interestingly, it can be used to deceive the receiver, and information can be extorted through this means of anonymity.

Interestingly enough, there are more than the fine services of The Zero Group. Other services, such as Phone Gangster, are in existence. The Zero Group is considered to be the leading anonymity provider with phones, since they have more features and cheaper rates than the competition. Rates do vary, but the Zero-Fone rates are, on average, much lower than the Phone Gangster counterparts. No one really likes to pay extra for something that offers less service, which is why The Zero Group has raised to the top of the industry.

Even more benefit to the Zero-Fone service is the amount of dedication the company provides. Innovative programs such as the “SupaSMS” service allow users to spoof text messages as well. This completely reinvents what it means to have a sense of security on who is contacting you. In fact, this is why The Zero Group also offers “BackSpoof”, which will tell the user when the number that is calling is real or, in fact, a spoofed number. In addition, custom services are available to high-paying customers. The level of dedication is truly unreal.

The Zero Group is the best solution for those who truly care about security. Pranksters and relationship quarrels and infidelity matters also see high gain from using the service. The price is more than just competitive- it is the lowest around. Without a doubt, The Zero Group has dominated the phone security market- and much more. If security is a priority, The Zero Group likewise makes it their priority.

By | July 15th, 2007 | SHOW COMMENT(1)


I am the creator of this website, which I use to post about self-defense and violence prevention. I have two children who I love so much. I want them to be proud of me, and I hope what I do here contributes to that. Please let me know what you think about my posts by leaving a comment below. I throw my opinions around pretty openly here, but I am totally open to opposing viewpoints and a productive discussion. So please post a comment. And follow me on Twitter: @scottmhughes

One Response

  1. trystan alexander says

    Looks like the zero group has been down for a little while…any idea when they are coming back? Their service was top notch!

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