Self-Defense & Violence Prevention Blog

news and commentary about security, self-defense, and topics like violent crime prevention and bullying

Lesson about Revenge

On this blog, I have posted a lot about vengeance lately. Namely, I have wanted to find ways to discourage people from engaging in vengeance. Today, I remembered a great movie that explores the destructiveness of vengeance: Changing Lanes.

Changing Lanes stars Ben Affleck and Samuel L. Jackson. After getting in an accident on the highway, the two characters enter into a vengefully destructive spiral of revenge after revenge, fueled by the personal problems, anger and frustration the men feel from living in a stressful, competitive world.

I would not call it the best movie ever, but I like it a lot. Thinking back on it now in regards to the commonness and destructiveness of vengeance, I think the movie portrays its theme excellently. I highly recommend you watch it if you have not already.

To prevent violence and stop violent crime, I believe we need to dissuade people from vengeance because I believe most acts of offensive violence stem from anger and vengefulness. We all often become blinded by strong emotions such as anger, but we have to try to control them instead of letting them lead us to destructiveness. Thinking back, I realize the incredible value of the compelling lesson in Changing Lanes about the destructiveness of vengeance.

Do you know any other good movies, books, shows or stories that address the self-destructive nature of vengefulness?

By | March 31st, 2008 | SHOW COMMENT(1)


I am the creator of this website, which I use to post about self-defense and violence prevention. I have two children who I love so much. I want them to be proud of me, and I hope what I do here contributes to that. Please let me know what you think about my posts by leaving a comment below. I throw my opinions around pretty openly here, but I am totally open to opposing viewpoints and a productive discussion. So please post a comment. And follow me on Twitter: @scottmhughes

One Response

  1. Kath says

    One of my favourites, a highly intense film to watch but one I’m glad I’ve seen, is The Debt Collector starring Billy Connolly and Ken Stott.

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