“Drop everything. I always say, you can always get more stuff later,” Austin Martial Arts Academy instructor Tristan Truscott said.
That’s an important lesson this time of year, Gribi said.
“Here it is Christmas time, none of your packages, your car, none of that’s worth your life,” Gribi said.
After letting your stuff go, the next steps encourage you to get scrappy.
“We always say … you have to fight, yell, scream, make a lot of noise, get a lot of attention,” Truscott said. “It’s all about surviving and escaping. If you escaped a situation, whether it was physical, or not, you won.”
You learn cool moves in class, but it’s not about learning how to fight.
“Can I defend myself from a huge guy that really wants to hurt me? No, I can’t get in a knock down, drag out with him. But I’ve learned some moves that I can take him down or get him away from me, where I can escape,” Gribi said.
During shopping season stores and malls are crowded full of people. That leaves shoppers as easy victims for ciminals. The advice in the above article is right: drop your stuff and give up your money to retain your safety.
What do you think?