I decided that I want to read a book specifically about corporate crime, but I do not know what book I will read. I looked at some of the books available on Amazon, and the following two books about corporate crime seem the most interesting to me: Corporate and Governmental Deviance: Problems of Organizational Behavior… Read More
Author Archive
Get Children out of Inner-Cities and Bad Neighborhoods
When children grow up in poor and violent neighborhoods, it greatly increases the odds that they will turn commit violent crime in their life. For one, these places have bad role models and other damaging influences. Also, living around crime and poverty encourages kids to join violent gangs. Worse yet, cities and poor neighborhoods tend… Read More
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I see raising awareness about sexual violence as the first step to preventing it on a systemic level. In other words, I believe our society could drastically reduce and nearly eliminate the presence of sexual violence if we truly decided to do it and put our resources into it.… Read More
Lesson about Revenge
On this blog, I have posted a lot about vengeance lately. Namely, I have wanted to find ways to discourage people from engaging in vengeance. Today, I remembered a great movie that explores the destructiveness of vengeance: Changing Lanes. Changing Lanes stars Ben Affleck and Samuel L. Jackson. After getting in an accident on the… Read More
“Are Prisons Obsolete?” by Angela Y. Davis
Last night, I finished reading the book Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis, which someone had recommended to me after I wrote a short article about why I think society does not need prisons. The book was not what I had expected, but I still like it very much. Rather than speculate on alternatives… Read More
National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition
While trying to find contemporary anarcha-feminist authors today, I came across a book edited by Carl Watner and by Wendy McElroy, entitled National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition. When I get a chance, I may read the book. I don’t know if I will because it does not have any reviews or ratings on Amazon.… Read More
Letting Children Refuse Medical Treatment
I just read a story about a 14-year-old Jehovah’s Witness who refused a blood transfusion and died. The boy refused the transfusion on religious grounds. The boy’s legal guardian is also a Jehovah’s Witness. I have heard some people call it child abuse to allow a kid to refuse needed medical treatment that would save… Read More
Let’s Stop Violence and Victimization not Victimless Crimes
Sometime in April, I hope to read Ain’t Nobody’s Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in a Free Society by Peter McWilliams. The book came out in 1996, and the author died in 2000. In the book, according to the description I read, McWilliams argues in support of the legalization of victimless… Read More
Violence Prevention Classes in Schools
When I went to grade school, I do not remember the school offering any type of violence prevention class. I also have not heard of grade schools offering those classes on a regular basis for the general student population. I would like to see more schools offer violence prevention classes, and I would like to… Read More
Another Post about Vengeance
I apologize if any of you do not like that I have posted so much about vengeance over the last week. This topic has taken hold of my thoughts lately. I now realize that we cannot stop people from violently attacking each other unless we eliminate the social acceptance of vengeful violence, by which I… Read More
Wise Quotes about Vengeance and Revenge
A few days ago, I made a post asking readers to suggest ways to dissuade people from their indulging their desire for vengeance. Today I want to post some of the wisest quotes I have come across about vengeance and revenge: “Revenge has no more quenching effect on emotions than salt water has on thirst.”… Read More
U.S. Incarcerates Most Non-Violent Offenders
I just read a good article by Adam Rink in which he says that the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world because the country puts so many people in prison for non-violent offenses. He also mentions mandatory sentencing and three strikes policies. According to his statistics, over half of the prisoners… Read More