While we often think of protecting our assets while alive, many people do not think to make arrangements for their estate. In the lack of a formal plan, the government decides what to do with your estate and it may not pass onto your family as you would want it. If you can afford it,… Read More
Author Archive
Muslim Defends Jews From Hate Crime
I just read an interesting but unfortunate story about a hate crime that occurred on New York’s Q train. According to the charges, a group of 10 young Brooklynites attacked and beat up a group of three Jewish riders after the Jewish riders wished them a Happy Hanukkah. The gang of thugs yelled anti-Semitic slurs,… Read More
Faxless Payday Loans Can Help in Emergencies
When reading through advice columns and websites for victims of domestic abuse, I have seen people recommend cash advances and payday loans to victims. Women abused by their husbands may have trouble trying to leave because they may not have enough of their own money. Some abusers may purposefully attempt to control their victim by… Read More
Australian Kids Safety Program
I just read an article about an Australian police program called Keeping Me Safe. The program helps teach children how to identify safe people, places, and situations. Additionally, the program will raise awareness about various types of victimization including bullying, harassment, and cybercrime. From what I read in the article, the program sounds great. I… Read More
Careers in Criminal Justice
While looking on http://www.schoolsinstlouis.com/ I noticed that they had information about criminal justice degree programs. There are many different options for someone going to school for criminal justice. For example, you could study criminology or computer crime. I generally focus my efforts on non-governmental activism. Nonetheless, people can also work to stop violent crime and… Read More
Real Crime Prevention
I just read an excellent blog post by Bob Betzen about real crime prevention. While explaining the failure of incarceration to rehabilitate criminals, he says a line that had me almost fall out of my seat in excited agreement: He writes, “Finishing a sentence and walking out of prison is like graduating from crime school.”… Read More
Air Ambulance Website
Today, I have the pleasure of telling you about air ambulance charter services. I had never known much about this type of service until I saw airambulance.net today. Airambulance.net provides medical flights that can give patients both basic care and critical care. A patient or the family of a patient may want such a flight… Read More
Alarming Rates of Cyberbullying
I just read a very interesting U.S. News article about cyberbullying among school-aged kids. Cyberbullying refers to the use of internet or other technology to repeatedly hurt or embarrass someone. According to one study in the article, 43% of students in middle school and high school have experienced cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has many harmful effects in… Read More
Military School Website
One issue we have addressed many times on this blog is teen violence. Troubled teens often put themselves and others at risk. Even when these teens do not purposely turn to violence, they may get themselves into situations that risk their safety. One solution for troubled teens is to send them to military school. That’s… Read More
Violent Crime Prevention Most Effective
As a society, we have a desire to drastically reduce violent crime and victimization. Unfortunately, the war on crime has not resulted in much success. I think we can most effectively reduce violent crime and victimization through prevention. We do need to use physical force to defend people when a criminal attacks or attempts to… Read More
I Signed Up With PayPerPost
I signed up with PayPerPost. That is a service that specializes in blog ads, which means that they pay me to make posts on this blog. This income can be used to promote this blog and to otherwise improve it. Basically, it works like this. Now that this blog has been approved, I can go… Read More
Politicians Ignore Violent Crime
Have you noticed how little attention violent crime has received in national political campaigns? Presidential candidates seem to only give attention to one very specific type of violent crime: terrorism. However, more people in the United States die from regular old murder than from terrorist attacks. If these politicians truly want to protect us, then… Read More